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 "The Flower of War" is my self-promotional illustration series released in 2024, which follows a young girl's journey navigating the tumultuous landscape of war-torn surroundings. Despite the grim reality of her environment, the girl finds moments of joy and resilience.


It won the silver award in the JIA Illustration Award 2024 (Japan Illustrator's Association).

"The Flower of War #2" was shown in the Imaginarium Exhibition Brazil 2024.


Judge Reviews:


"The shape language evokes Cubism, and the rendering technique beautifully highlights the surface textures of the objects. The mood of the war environment is profoundly conveyed, allowing the audience to sense its atmosphere".                                                                                                                                                                                                     - Haimeng Cao


"It is a beautiful aesthetic success, using it to express violence, desperation, tenderness and the closeness of death. The color palettes and cartoonish resources in guns, exalt Chong's great skill to express the emotions of each instance. A style worthy of traditional oil works, Chong has more than enough to expand to show his work in spaces reserved for fine arts".                                                                                                                                                          - Lucas León



Creation Process

Imaginarium Artworks 08.jpg
Imaginarium PV 024.jpg

Award Certificate & Imaginarium show in Brazil 2024

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